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Body Contouring


Will This Work
For Me? 

Body Sculpting


The VASERlipo treatment is an advanced body contouring procedure that selectively removes unwanted body fat. This state-of-the-art system is unique in how it harnesses the power of precise ultrasound-assisted technology for safe and effective body sculpting in the medical office. As an alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, VASERlipo’s minimally invasive method allows body sculpting liposuction treatments on even the most delicate areas of your body. Combined with our self-contained fat harvesting system, we can safely remove unwanted fat from certain areas and transfer it to another area that is ideal for an enhanced contour. Renuvion is a skin tightening system that relies upon helium gas to seal skin tight against the underlying tissue after fat has been removed. With the Renuvion System, skin laxity after liposuction is no longer a concern!


Immediate and precise body sculpting, obvious fat reduction and/or redistribution, Less pain/swelling/downtime than traditional liposuction

What it Treats:

Unwanted fat deposits in Jowls, Chin, Neck, Arms, Knees, Inner and outer thighs, Buttocks, Back, Bra fat, Hips, Love handles, and Abdomen.

Procedure Time: 

Varies depending upon the size of the area treated, typically about 1 to 3 hours.

Recovery time & Side Effects: 

Minimal activity (quiet rest) is recommended for the first 24-48 hours following your treatment, after this timeframe, you can engage in light activity like gentle walking. Most people can return to a desk job within 3-4 days of their treatment, and expect normal soreness and fatigue. Normal exercise and physical activity can be resumed 14 to 21 days after treatment. Compression dressings should be worn for approximately 2 to 6 weeks, depending on what areas you have treated and your amount of post-treatment swelling.

Paired Treatments

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